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Compare different versions of the text

Significant stages in Odour of Chrysanthemums have been identified, and each 'episode' has been given a number and a name. These episodes are essentially subjective notions but they allow a staged and manageable approach to the texts and their analysis.

Choose from the following list of episodes to compare different versions side-by-side. Three of these episodes offer guided comparisons, which highlight the changes.

Uncorrected proofs (1910)
compared with
English Review (1911)
English Review (1911)
compared with
The Prussian Officer (1914)
1. Opening
2. The Father
3. The Children
4. Visit to the Rigleys
5. Arrival of the Mother
6. Return of the Body
7. Washing of the Body
8. Ending

Notes on the guided comparisons

Close textual comparison and coding of the different and developing versions of the story must inevitably be similarly subjective, at least to some extent. The following, therefore, are the general principles which have been adopted when comparing three of the versions: Uncorrected proofs, 1910, as reproduced in Boulton 1969 (Version A); English Review, 1911 (Version C); The Prussian Officer 1914 (Version D).

Differences in punctuation between versions (deletions, additions and changes) have, in the main, been included in the coding. Differences which may be presumed to be errors (e.g. colourd in Version C, page 421, line 23) have not been coded.


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